Feasting and fun go hand-in-hand here in the Society!
Ever wonder how the Norman conquerors fed their armies? What the Vikings cooked when on their raids? Who invented the meat pie … and why? Food history presents a fascinating buffet of popular lore and contradictory facts. Most foods were not invented; they evolved. In the SCA we make food history fun and, of course, tasty!
Once we are enough post-Covid, many events will have a feast in the evening. The epitome of an SCA feast is a collection of thoroughly researched medieval dishes, prepared by a large volunteer cooking staff, served in several courses, to a multitude of diners. At your first feast, we encourage you to try a little bit of everything. You won’t be familiar with all the foods, but you’ll be surprised what you find to be a new favorite!
In the Barony of Mag Mor
Of course, feasts don’t happen without cooks! Mag Mor has ‘em! For information about how to prepare a feast, contact Gwyneth.