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Baronial Awards

Mag Mor has several Baronial awards that can be given in honor of an individual’s contribution to the Barony.

Award NameDescriptionBadge
Order of the CambrogesRecognition of commitment to being a citizen of Mag Mor and a welcome to the Barony.
Order of the Crodh CathaA welcome to the Mag Mor wing of Calontir’s fighters and archers; the militia of Mag Mor. Archers and newly authorized fighters are eligible for this award. Membership is done by polling the current members and then recommending the individual to the Baronage.
Order of the Aye TorFirst tier award in archery. Recognition of great skill in archery.
Order of the FiannaFirst tier award in rattan. Recognition of exceptional fighting skill as well as all the knightly virtues of chivalry, honor, service and skill in the gentle arts.
Order of the Bull’s HornFirst tier award in steel sword combat.
Award of the Ancient AurochsSecond tier archery and fighting award. Recognition for exceptional skill in arms and distinguished participation in tournaments and wars.
Order of the Cridhe MorFirst tier award in service. Recognition of time and services given freely to aid others and the Barony.
Award of the AncaireSecond tier in service. Recognition of the highest level of service to the Barony.
Order of the Gwyneth ClarsachFirst tier award in arts and sciences. Recognition of great promise in the arts and sciences.
Award of the Adharc OrSecond tier award in arts and sciences. Recognition of the highest dedication and skill in the arts and sciences and in teaching and inspiring others.
Award of the Hawk of Mag Mor
Award of the Golden FeatherRecognition for bringing honor to the barony through an act or deed that doesn’t build ones own nest but rather creates wings for others. Can be earned an unlimited number of times
Order of the Espiritu Mag MorGiven once a year to the one person who best represents the spirit of Mag Mor.
Award of the Calf of Mag MorChildren’s award
Baron’s Favor
Baroness’ Favor