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Calendar of Events

Baronial level events are shown in gold, Calontir Kingdom level events are shown in purple.

Weekly Populace Meeting

Weekly meetings are held Wednesday evening from 6:30 pm to 8:00pm, typically at Walt Library in Lincoln. Meeting locations are subject to change, check the calendar for the most up-to-date plans.

Meetings are informal and welcome to all. You don’t have to be a member to join us, nor do you have to dress up in garb!

First Wednesday of the Month: Business meeting. Officers and guilds give their reports, and we discuss upcoming events or other business.
Second Wednesdays: Arts & Sciences night. Topics vary by quarter, and may either be a class or work night. Check the Arts and Sciences page for more info.
Third Wednesdays: Baronial Project Night. Flexible day to work on or discuss projects or other business.
Fourth Wednesdays: Baronial Farble. Discussion night about various historical topics.
Fifth Wednesdays: Flexible meeting agenda, if the month has a fifth Wednesday.

Meetings can be attended remotely. Contact the Seneschal for more information.

Fighter Practice

Fighter practice is held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month, starting at 6:30pm. We are operating on our Fall/Winter schedule, and are meeting indoors at Northern Lighthouse Church in Lincoln. New fighters are always welcome!

During our Spring/Summer schedule, we meet outdoors at Woods Park in Lincoln.

Music Practice

Our Baronial vocal group meets the first and third Thursdays of every month at Volkmar and Isadora’s house. Instrumentalists are also welcome! Contact our A&S Minister for more information.

Other Activities

On occasion, small get togethers are scheduled. These are usually a weekend “project day”, where we meet at the library to complete projects for largess or work on our on separate projects. Details for individual events will be added to the calendar as they are scheduled.