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A&S Activities

Arts & Sciences is the term used in the SCA for all the crafts, skills, and technologies practiced in the time and cultures that our studies cover. SCA participants learn and practice these skills, and then share them with others. You will see the results in use and on display at our events – the costumes worn, the armor used in combat, the illuminated scrolls presented in court, and the recipes used for a feast, just to name a few.

In the Barony of Mag Mor

Members of Mag Mor learn about the past by researching period arts, crafts and traditions. We then experience history by recreating it! The Barony has artisans skilled at spinning, weaving, dyeing, music, calligraphy & illumination, leather working, costuming, cooking, scroll text composition, painting, tool making, storytelling, bead making, brewing, and many other topics. You can see our artisans practicing their skills at meetings, demos and events.

A&S Meeting Agendas

We have A&S meetings on the second Wednesday of each month. We generally have themes/topics that last for several months, as well as some single classes.

2024’s schedule is as follows:


January – Leather tooling basics
February – Leather tooling, make a tooled leather phone holder
March – Leather tanning information

Norse culture

April – Reading and writing viking runes. Further reading available at the Viking Ship Museum’s website.
May – Viking treasure necklaces
June – No meeting due to Lilies War
July – Norse gods

August – Kumihimo braiding/cording


September – Basics of heraldry, materials needed for banners. Further reading:

October – Drawing heraldic devices on fabric
November – Painting the banners
December – Finish painting banners